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TF2Royal - Cases/Case battles history

Cases and Case battles randomness work basically the same as roulettewith few minor changes, but again, manipulating isnt possible.

How can I know that the game is fair?

Every day our server generates random seed, that isnt changed during the day, the hash is immedietly hashed to prevent people see the results before they bet (one way hash).
Before each opening, your browser (you) generate another seed (public seed), that you can see and could change the results of randomness
Before each opening/case battle, we give you the hashed version of current server seed, which the round/whole case battle result is based on.
Next day, we publish the server seed (not hashed), which you can then compare to the hash to make sure that they match.
With this system we can prove that the results were fair and pre-generated based on opening id and your (client) seed

Case/Case battles technical details

Each ticket represents 0.001%, the lower the ticket is, the better item can drop. (ticket 1 = the rarest item in the case)

Our system generates the result for each round by using the SHA-256 hash of 3 separate inputs

1 ― The "public seed" is a 20 characters long string generated via your browser, you can regenerate it any way you want to change the outcome.

2 ― The "server seed" is a SHA-256 hash of 16 cryptographically secure random bytes, generated once per day.

3 ― Round ID - each opening has its own ID, which is incremented by 1 every time any case is opened (even case in case battles).

In case of tie-breaker, our system generates the result for each round by using the SHA-256 hash of 4 separate inputs + static string

1 ― The "public seed" is a 20 characters long string generated via your browser, you can regenerate it any way you want to change the outcome.

2 ― The "server seed" is a SHA-256 hash of 16 cryptographically secure random bytes, generated once per day.

3 ― Case Battle ID - each case battle has its own ID, which is incremented by 1 every time a new case battle is created.

4 ― Winning players count - A number, which represents how many users opened the same value.

Static string The static string is there to prevent see already generated results from previous games/cases opening, this string is: "case-battle-tie-braker".

Players can replicate any past roll by using the code below. Please note that you should use the unhashed (not hashed ) server seed with the script.

$server_seed = "96f3e04d221ca1b2048cc3b3b844e479f2bd9c80a870628072ee98fd1aa83cd0";
$public_seed = "20charlongstringxxxxx";
$round = "546";
$hash = hash('sha256', $server_seed . "-" . $public_seed . "-" . $round);
$ticket = hexdec(substr($hash, 0, 15)) % 1000000 + 1;

echo("Winning ticket: $ticket");

Cases/Case battles - You can execute PHP code straight from your browser with tools such as this PHP code.
Case battles tie-breaker - You can execute PHP code straight from your browser with tools such as this PHP code.
Simply copy and paste the above code in the window and replace the public seed, server seed and round number. If you have any questions about this system, feel free to contact our support team.



Chat Rules


first time ive hit a 5%er


anyone wanna join my case battle? :0


Hey Spoon! I'ts Coldest!


I would, but I have to use my items for giveways




how do I get my item after winning?


nvm I got it


Hey everyone


how is it going


What is You can't buy items while having positive wager is that I want to buy here in the store and I get this, I don't know what it will help :/


Do I need to be of a specific level or what?


Hello Korik


are you there?


You have to play with your deposited items before being able to withdraw. If the item you picked from the store isn't available, it means someone else has taken it

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